The Artisan

The Artisan
Kelly Oswalt

Friday, July 22, 2011


Yes, I must admit, I have seriously been neglecting my blog. I've been so busy with giveaways, a craft fair, learning wire wrapping and life in general that something had to give and this blog was what went. But have a few extra moments this morning before the work begins so I thought I would check in.

My son is getting a job offer that he's really excited about, problem is, he has to stay in Houston. Why is that a problem, other then the obvious answer, he is VERY allergic to Houston. He gets sick all the time. But, he is very excited about the job. They are preparing an offer now and I'm sure he will accept. He's ready for a change.

Now on the other end of the spectrum, my daughter just broke up with her boyfriend from a 2 year relationship. She really cared for him, makes me feel sad. She wants to move back to Texas, I wouldn't, Texas is not a good state for women, but how do you make a 21, almost 22 year old understand that when it is subtle. Her dad told her she couldn't move in with him, nice guy, so I'm not sure what she'll be doing.

Meanwhile my business has taken off. My fans on pagebook have gone from 38 to 268 in 2 weeks. I donated to a few giveaways and wow, what a difference. I've also gained a few customers from it. This form of advertising works much better for my type of business then a facebook ad. They were never any use to me and espensive. Plus, the giveaways are kind of fun.

You should check out my facebook page, the link is on the right hand side bar, down a ways. I just uploaded all of my pendant inventory into photo albums. Looks good. Have some new necklaces and bracelets, new designs, new colors. Started doing wire wrapping and my first project didn't turn out too bad.

Hope your day turns out good and here's to a great weekend to all!

My new wire wrapped Necklace: